"The sky is falling, the sky is falling!" The famous last words of Chicken Little in the children's story entitled The Story of Chicken Little by E.L. Easton. In this rendition, the story is used to teach children about courage. I have my own take on the Chicken Little story, and if you'll continue to read I believe you will enjoy it.
Throughout the story, Chicken Little is questioned on a couple of occasions as to why he believes the sky is falling. His reply is always the same, "I saw it with my own eyes, and heard it with my own ears, and part of it fell on my head!" Mr. Little believed this to be evidence that the sky was literally falling. If you read the story, you will find out that the only physical evidence this character had was the fact that an acorn fell on his head while walking through the woods.
Ever since relinquishing control and giving my life back over to the Lord, there have been many times I've noticed that I view the world in a different light than before. As in the fable mentioned above; I have seen it with my own eyes-(visual evidence) Matthew 24:7, I have heard it with my own ears-(things heard) 2 Peter 2:1-3.
Folks, I'm not going to wait till part of it falls on my head to start living right and making preparations for the end. I hope you won't
As I was growing up, I had the benefit of being raised in church. I have heard the scriptural references, sat through the sermon when the preacher gave the lesson on the "End Times," and felt very scared as a child when the Pastor gave the "Hell-fire and Brimstone" sermon. Up until about two years ago, though, I was of the opinion that all of the above was used as a form of scare tactic, a way to control the congregation; and of course, to keep congregants coming back so the church would grow (monetarily). This is a foolish belief system that controlled my life for a number of years. Some of you reading this might be of the same belief. I will tell you now that I wasted a lot of time believing this way.
I am not a bible scholar, my educational background is not extensive, and not many people come to me for insightful advice; but, I can tell you that the evidence of what I was taught all those years in church is clearer to me now than it ever has been.
The goal of Chicken Little was to get information to the King about the sky falling. He never made it because the Fox lured Mr. Little and his friends into his den under the guise of leading them to the King. Mr. Little and his friends never made it out.
Be careful that we are not led astray with false teachings, or as in my case, allow the Devil to persuade you and make you believe that these things are not really taking place. Read for yourself, the signs are there. SEE THEM, HEAR THEM, BUT DON'T ALLOW IT TO FALL ON YOUR HEAD
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