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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Consistency or Persistence (Constant, Undeviating Approach vs Relentless Pursuit)

All my life I have found that if I want something then I must be persistent in my attempts to gain that something. Persistence has it's value, and often times, as a result I am able to attain that which I have so doggedly pursued. But...I am worn out after that pursuit. During the untiring chase and capture of what I wanted, I find myself winded and wondering if all my hard work ever really mattered at all. Would it have been better to have had a measure of consistency in my approach, and as a result would I have inevitably gained that which I so longed for in the first place? Being persistent vs. being consistent is the question. Everyone has heard the old adage "Nothing is free," or "You get what you pay for;" but what if I were just consistent in doing what I know is right, without harming anyone during that process, would the result be the same?  What if that I so strive for, and in being persistent might have hurt someone along the way, could be obtained just by doing every day what needs to be done the right way.
Instilled in me, throughout childhood, was the thought that if I ever wanted anything from this life I would have to work for it. Now understandably, there are things that can only be obtained through the efforts of hard work and perseverance, but I have learned that certain things require only consistency.

Growing up, if there was a new Transformer that I just had to have; then certain things were required of me in order to receive this toy. It was common knowledge that nothing was free. Later on in life, the same principle applied to going to a movie, getting a new bike, buying a vehicle, or any other  event that required money or effort; it was evident that I would have to give something in order to receive something, and I had to be persistent in my efforts in order to attain that which I was trying for. Persistence has a way of clouding a person's judgement. I find that when I become resolute in achieving something, whether it be first place in stats at work or first place in a backyard football game, I am consumed by that want. Regardless of who I hurt, the method I use to attain that goal, or the toes I step on, the ONLY thing on my mind at that time is achievability.

Salvation, an eternity with God our Father, is not based on our persistence to gain entry. The bible tells us in  Titus 3:5-7 he saved us, not by works of righteousness that we have done but on the basis of his mercy, through the washing of the new birth and the renewing of the Holy Spirit, 6 whom he poured out on us in full measure through Jesus Christ our Savior. 7 And so, since we have been justified by his grace, we become heirs with the confident expectation of eternal life. I have found nowhere in the bible that says that our persistence will get us to Heaven.

Be baptized and repent of your sins. Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. Live life justified through His Grace, and be CONSISTENT in your walk with God. Key ingredients to a life well lived and a light shone bright.

Just the other day, I was involved in building an above ground garden using concrete blocks when I realized that being persistent versus consistent proved to be more of a hindrance than of value. A friend and I had mixed grout to core-fill some of the holes in the block in order to make the structure more sound and reliable. Now, you have to understand, neither of us had worked with concrete, much less grout, in a while. We were both tired, the sun had been beating down on us all day, and our brains were not functioning properly when we read the directions on the bag of grout, so the mistakes we made in this process could be expected (looking for sympathy not embarrassment). All joking aside, when we mixed the grout we did not mix it right. Needless to say, the persistence applied to getting the desired results was very time consuming and tiring. In this case, we kept coming up short. That is, until we realized our mistake. All of our tiring efforts did nothing for the mix, because the desired consistency could only be obtained by mixing water and grout together the right way.

As with the story above, being persistent was not good enough. It only served to make the job harder, longer, and more laborious. If we had only read the directions, and understood them clearly, we could have easily gotten the results we wanted by getting the right consistency in the mix to begin with. I do not believe that God intends for His children to persistently attempt to gain His acknowledgement  or our salvation through actions or deeds. By doing this, we only concentrate on what we can do, not  by what Jesus has already done. My belief is that we are to follow the path that has been laid out for us by our Father, and be consistent in that walk. Our sins have already been paid for. The directions can be found in God's Word, and if we understand them clearly, the desired result can be obtained; Eternity in our Heavenly Home with God through Consistency in our walk on Earth as Christians.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Why the Easter Lily and Not the Dandelion

Historically, the Easter Lily has been used to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the hope for life everlasting. Churches line their altars and surround their crosses with masses of Easter Lilies.They are beautiful and I am certainly not going to take away any of the symbolism that goes along with the flower in reference to what it represents for many Christians. I will, however, compare the resiliency of the dandelion to the perseverance of Jesus Christ, and pose the question "Why the Easter Lily and Not the Dandelion?"

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Rock Bottom

When laying a foundation for a structure it is very important to know that the ground in which it is laid is stable and level. It is an extensive project to take on, whether it be a raised garden using cinder blocks or laying the foundation of a house, you have to know the process and hard work this will involve before starting. I recently joined other men from my church in an effort to build a couple of raised gardens utilizing concrete blocks as the outer walls. We soon found out the importance of establishing a solid foundation. There are amazing lessons that can be learned when doing any job if we just take time to listen to the voice of God. Building from the ground up (rock bottom), laying a firm and solid foundation (closeness with our Father through His written word, prayer, and relationship with Him), will produce a heart and mind filled with the love of God longing for our Heavenly home.


These basic steps outline the building and maintenance of a spiritual foundation from start to God's return.

Survey and Stake (prep before the pour)

     Before any spiritual transformation can begin, the home site (our life) is surveyed to establish the basic footprint (characteristics, traits, and our human identities.) The corners of the home (our life) are marked by the Surveyor's (God) stake (the blood of Jesus Christ) to identify you as His child.
Excavation (removal of all impurities)

  The depth of the excavation is determined by a structural engineer (God) who considers the soil (hurt, disease, emotional scarring.) Our Creator begins the removal process of the negative things, all the hurt and emotional scarring that has compounded throughout our lives building a shroud around      our hearts preventing us from accepting His love. He doesn't stop with just the surface scars, but continues healing (excavating) until reaching the cold callous encapsulating membrane surrounding our sinful hearts (rock bottom.)The excavation must be deep enough for the complete removal of our sinful nature.

Footings (laying the framework for a solid foundation)

Now that the impurities are gone, God can began preparing our lives for a new beginning.Footings (Christian values, teachings, Scripture, and Love from Our Father) are poured into our souls, minds, and hearts to spread throughout our entire beings making us a new child in Christ. Footings help to absorb and spread the weight of Jesus's love into the remaining soil surrounding the home site(people we meet and can lead to Christ.)

Walls (strengthening the structure)

    The structural engineer (God) determines the height of the walls based on load that will have to carried. This is the process in which we as Christians began to discover our spiritual gifts. Once this knowledge has been attained we can then provide a better witness to further the kingdom of God. Anchor bolts (sound Scriptural teaching) are added in this stage. This will secure the walls to the foundation.

These are just basic steps used to further our walk with God and to build a spiritual foundation upon. As with any foundation, though, maintenance is a top priority. Never stop growing and spreading God's word, because Satan will attack from many directions. We need to be prepared on all sides.
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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Judgement Free Zone...Drawing In Not Pushing Out

My local gym uses a catch phrase "Judgement Free Zone" to attract a customer base that would like to get in better shape, but does not like the environment normally found in other gyms and athletic clubs. I have been a member of approximately four organized gyms or recreation centers in the past. There is a certain uniqueness that can be found in most of these clubs. I joined my first gym with the intent of getting into better shape after letting myself go for a number of years, and of course to "bulk up" because as a man, who wouldn't enjoy having the physique of Arnold Schwarzenegger or Ronnie Coleman (c'mon lets get back to reality)? I remember entering the facility and feeling well, insignificant. I didn't know much about the equipment. I was confused on really even where to begin. The people in the gym were definitely in better shape than I was, so needless to say I was not feeling very motivated. I felt out of place, and the sounds coming from some of the members who did have a physique approaching the likeness of a Roman God or Goddess, was almost enough to make me do a 180 and leave out the door never to return for fear of being chained to the weight bench and forced to days of hard labor in order to gain acceptance into this elite organization. I'm sure there are those out there that feel the same way when we judge them by the way they look, clothes they wear, how many piercings they have, or who they have as a companion. As Christians, trying to lead sinners to Christ to receive salvation, it is not our place to pass judgement upon others. After all, if our true purpose is to save souls, we can't go around condemning folks and hope to teach them about God's saving Grace.

I have to admit there have been times in the past where I have judged people simply on the basis of trivial things such as those mentioned before. Friendships have been lost, hearts broken, people hurt, and ultimately some of the trials in my life have came as a direct result of rash judgement of others that I made. I am not implying that we should not judge. The bible tells us in John 7:24  "Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgement." I feel it is our job to lead people to the doors of a church where they can receive love, teaching, and fellowship with strong Christian brothers and sisters. They can receive the teaching of the Word that will help them to identify the err of their ways.

We as Christians have squandered away so many valuable opportunities by condemning instead of blessing. Even though we might not express our dislike of a person by voicing our opinion of them; they certainly have picked up on the mannerisms we tend to display when they're around. Actions do speak louder than words. Generally, the human race is very adept in the art of observation. If you don't believe me, try rolling your eyes at your wife or husband. You'll find out soon enough just how observant they are of your action. I see this type of snubbing every day in the secular world, as I'm sure you do also. You sort of expect this in the world in which we live, everyday life, but as born again children of God we tend to over-dramatize these same actions when we cross paths with people we believe to be non-Christians. I really don't understand why we do this, because at one point in most of our lives, we were all in search of Jesus. I remember those times when people from different churches I have attended turned their noses up to the sky in my presence. I felt many emotions, and none of them were positive. I personally felt mislead, deeply hurt, and ashamed for who I was at that particular point in my life. I felt mislead because I had come to church to find Christ, not to feel out of place. Hurt, and deeply hurt, because I was raised to believe that church was supposed to provide sanctuary; a place to receive the Grace of Our Heavenly Father. Last, but certainly not least, I felt out of place similar to the way I felt upon entering the gym for the first time, but even worse. Because, it gave me a feeling that I was not wanted there. And if God's children did not see me as worthy to attend their House of Worship, then God must not see any worth in me either. These are personal feelings I've experienced in the past, but have since overcome thanks to my Father.

In the world in which we live, people do not need condemnation. Day to day living can dole out plenty of punishment by itself. I am certainly not implying that we put blinders on to avoid the truths that sins in people do exist. The Devil is working hard to keep mankind in sin. We need to be working harder, but by believing in people, not by acting as if there are numerous requirements set in place to be part of "Our Club." Everyone is welcome as long as you repent of your sins, and ask Jesus into your heart. Our job, as Christians, is to help folks understand that there is forgiveness. Tell them the Good News of God, and lead them to a place where they feel wanted, loved, and forgiven. If people are ever going to change the path of their lives, they are going to need a reason. If we judge and condemn them for who they are and what they have done, then they see no difference in us than they do in the world.

Act differently than the rest of the world and draw sinners to Christ
Be the same, or harsher, than the world and sinners are lost

The Church, as a whole, needs to be a light in the darkness, provide a place of safety during the storm, and be a place to experience the Grace of God by drawing people in, not pushing them out.