When laying a foundation for a structure it is very important to know that the ground in which it is laid is stable and level. It is an extensive project to take on, whether it be a raised garden using cinder blocks or laying the foundation of a house, you have to know the process and hard work this will involve before starting. I recently joined other men from my church in an effort to build a couple of raised gardens utilizing concrete blocks as the outer walls. We soon found out the importance of establishing a solid foundation. There are amazing lessons that can be learned when doing any job if we just take time to listen to the voice of God. Building from the ground up (rock bottom), laying a firm and solid foundation (closeness with our Father through His written word, prayer, and relationship with Him), will produce a heart and mind filled with the love of God longing for our Heavenly home.
These basic steps outline the building and maintenance of a spiritual foundation from start to God's return.
Survey and Stake (prep before the pour)
Before any spiritual transformation can begin, the home site (our life) is surveyed to establish the basic footprint (characteristics, traits, and our human identities.) The corners of the home (our life) are marked by the Surveyor's (God) stake (the blood of Jesus Christ) to identify you as His child.
Excavation (removal of all impurities)
The depth of the excavation is determined by a structural engineer (God) who considers the soil (hurt, disease, emotional scarring.) Our Creator begins the removal process of the negative things, all the hurt and emotional scarring that has compounded throughout our lives building a shroud around our hearts preventing us from accepting His love. He doesn't stop with just the surface scars, but continues healing (excavating) until reaching the cold callous encapsulating membrane surrounding our sinful hearts (rock bottom.)The excavation must be deep enough for the complete removal of our sinful nature.
Now that the impurities are gone, God can began preparing our lives for a new beginning.Footings (Christian values, teachings, Scripture, and Love from Our Father) are poured into our souls, minds, and hearts to spread throughout our entire beings making us a new child in Christ. Footings help to absorb and spread the weight of Jesus's love into the remaining soil surrounding the home site(people we meet and can lead to Christ.)
The structural engineer (God) determines the height of the walls based on load that will have to carried. This is the process in which we as Christians began to discover our spiritual gifts. Once this knowledge has been attained we can then provide a better witness to further the kingdom of God. Anchor bolts (sound Scriptural teaching) are added in this stage. This will secure the walls to the foundation.
These are just basic steps used to further our walk with God and to build a spiritual foundation upon. As with any foundation, though, maintenance is a top priority. Never stop growing and spreading God's word, because Satan will attack from many directions. We need to be prepared on all sides.
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