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Monday, February 17, 2014

Christian Walk at Work..... Do You Know Who You are on Monday?

According to the Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, we as Americans, spend a majority of our day in the workplace. Time use on an average work day for employed persons ages 25 to 54 with children....This is a tell-tale sign that we work too much. All joking aside, this provides a great opportunity to be a witness for Christ. Jesus told us in Matthew 5:13-16 that we are "the salt of the earth" and "the light of the world." Notice, He did not say we had the "potential," but that "we are."

 Do you know who you are on Monday?

There are many things in the working world that can effect our Christian walk. Monday morning comes around, and I cannot count the times throughout the day that I hear the infamous words "It's Monday" or "for a Monday." Negativity abounds on this day. It seems that we spend the entire first day of the work week blaming everything that goes wrong on the "first day of the work week, Monday." Its easy to come in to work with your mind already made up that it will be a bad day. We leave a nice comfy home filled with the love of family, and enter a dog-eat-dog world that is fast paced and non-forgiving. And this, according to the article mentioned above, is the world we live in for most of the day. People that we deal with on a daily basis are in the same boat as we are, but we do not have to be a part of the negativity. A great quote by English Dramatist, Tom Stoppard says, "A healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier." Imagine what the world would look like if we all took the advice of Mr. Stoppard. As Christians, we should strive daily to "Be a Carrier." The only way we can show our light to the world is to be a positive influence. In order to lead others to Christ, they have to see a difference.

No, I'm not saying that I don't have problems! I'm human. I believe the problems I encounter in my life are opportunities to glorify GOD. The Lord said to Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."  I take this to mean that whatever comes my way, whether it be something as trivial as not wanting to go to work or something more devastating such as the loss of a loved one; my Father will supply what I need at my need. He will fill the void where nothing is left, and He will span the gap so I can make it to the other side. Once we realize this power, then really there is no problem too big. In the workplace, there are many people that are struggling and don't know the goodness of God. We should make use of this opportunity, and witness to folks during the course of our day.

We will be better Christians for remembering this

In church, generally speaking, we are there to worship and enjoy the presence of our Creator. For the most part, the house is full of people who know Christ. Our witness begins when we leave those doors. Christians, disciples for Christ, are in the business of leading people to God by providing proof that we all are saved by His Grace. If we don't LIVE IT, people won't SEE IT!

This especially needs to be done in our work place. So, when next Monday rolls around and the thought creeps in your mind about the bad day you're going to have; Tell the Devil that today is going to be a good day, because you KNOW WHO YOU ARE.   

Be Blessed.

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