In today's society we have an epidemic spreading throughout our land. It is a disease of the mind that is affecting millions. The symptoms are as follows: a strong sense of entitlement, wanting to have things "our way", a feeling that I cannot be wrong; my circumstances led to my actions. Fret not my friends, this disease is curable, and if controlled there will be no lasting effects.
In August 1998 Apple introduced the iMac G3 personal computer onto the market. Notice the first letter in the identification of this product; talk about hitting the nail on the head. Apple, one of many companies, took full advantage of the innate selfish nature ingrained our society. Burger King's iconic "Have it your Way" or McDonald's "What you want is what you Get" were geared directly to consumers of Generation Me. As a redeemed sinner, I have come to the realization that this is not the mindset of a follower of Christ. This world does not revolve around us. We do not deserve anything, and nothing we have is ours. We are only here as a result of our Father speaking us into existence. Therefore, all that we have belongs to Him.

There is no "I" in Serve. We have got to change our way of thinking as a whole. How are we to follow Christ and secure our eternal home in Heaven if we are constantly dwelling on "I." We cannot care for others if everything revolves around our wants. Paul tells the Ephesian elders in Acts 20:35 "In everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.""
I am resolved to follow Christ; in every way. It is no longer about ME.
We, especially as Christians, need to get away from the "i"deology that has taken control of today's culture. To become more like Christ, we should follow the guidelines set forth in the bible where Jesus left many examples for us to follow. Service to others allows us to become more humble in our personal walks. To be blessed, we must be a blessing.
Lord, change my "default mode" to giving first, Amen!
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