Do you ever feel overwhelmed? In today's society there is way too much information. In order to find something it is as easy as picking up your phone and using one of the many platforms available to search. The answers are quick to come and they are many. Since the progression of social media, I find myself constantly on my phone scanning through Facebook, tweeting on Twitter, stumbling on Stumbleupon, 1+ on Google, or blogging on Blogger. That was tiresome just typing all of that. Its no wonder that our concentration level is so minute, and it probably attributes to the term everyone is so quick to use when trying to accomplish many things at once; multitasking. All of this is great stuff. We have become so technologically advanced that it is easy to lose sight of what really matters; GOD! So, slow down for a minute, take a deep breath, and try to overlook the fact that you are reading this through one of the SOCMED sights I am referring to in this blog, oops. No, I am not being hypocritical, just using a medium for the Glory of Yahweh.
God does not care how many followers we have on FB. He is concerned, however, with our hearts. He wants all of us. We need to slow down, and start seeking the face of our Father through His word and prayer. I'm afraid, though, that we are placing valuable time with Jesus on the same level as all the other things in our life; something that we have access too, but can move it to the side and go to something else when we need a different answer. In the natural world this is possible, because there is so much information that is accessible. It is not true in the spiritual world, however. We only have to look one place in order to find the answers, and this plethora of knowledge can be found in the Bible.
God's Word gives us directions to follow, provides answers to life's questions, and gives peace to our souls. We have occupied our time for way too long with useless information. The social media sites mentioned are fun, interactive, and addictive. I would consider them to be an addiction of mine also, but they don't need to be. Likes do not provide true comfort, the more followers you can gain will not bring you peace. The something you and I are looking for can be found in the pages of the Holy Bible.
Sports trivia, videos, GIFs, famous quotes, inspirational words, funny sayings, status updates, suggested ads, photos of my cat; all of these things are interesting but not one of them can provide answers such as: when I am depressed where do I turn, through the loss of a loved one where can I receive comfort and strength to continue, is there something after this, or does anyone love me, truly love me? All of this is answered in the Bible. God wants the best for His children. He wants all of us. Have fun, but realize that the only true answers you will ever be able to find are through God's Words found in the Bible. Lets give Him all, because He gave His all through the death of His only Son, Jesus.
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