There is something new and exciting that is currently taking place in my life. Thought-provoking, unknown adventures await me in my walk with Christ. Sounds awesome and I am so ready to go where God is going to lead, there's only one problem; I have no clue what I'm doing! As new Christians, I believe we all feel this way at one point or another. Everything seems to be moving at break-neck speed, and for people like me, this pace does not allow time to completely focus on any one particular area of the journey so I always feel as if I am leaving something out or not completing the task at hand before moving forward.
"This just in; I have received guidance from above!"
Thank you Dad, teach me how to release control. Read further for instruction, enjoyment, or a good laugh. You never know, this post could be beneficial in your walk too.
I don't believe that our Father wants us to travel this world alone. Take a look at the life of Jesus. When he began his ministry, even he was in the company of the Apostles. I count myself blessed to be the recipient of companionship from many people thus far, that have been instrumental in my pilgrimage. These relationships have provided access to fellowship, friendship, and camaraderie that is an essential part of spiritual growth as a "babe in Christ." Before returning back to the fold, my philosophy was this; "If something needs to be done and done right, then I should do it." I felt as if I took care of whatever the issue was, then I could only blame myself if something went wrong. This has proved to be a flawed way of thinking. My wife would say that this is a problem I still struggle with in my home life. I would have to agree, but I know the more I pattern myself after Jesus this flaw too will pass.
We all want to go to heaven. We do not, however, need to become so involved in our personal journeys that we forget the purpose we are here, and that is; ¹ To Glorify Our Father ² To Draw Others To Him! We need to surround ourselves with like minded believers. This serves a couple of purposes. We can learn from each other, it provides a much needed support system, and we can experience a growth spiritually that would be hard to attain if we were to go it alone. God does not intend for us to face our struggles alone. Attending my church has proved invaluable in this respect. By becoming a part of the body, my walk with Christ and the lessons I have learned have helped me to develop my spiritual being exponentially. "What we take in We tend to put out." The local church that I attend is akin to a training facility; as in, this is the place I go to find guidance and direction. The group of Christian men and women I surround myself with promote this learning environment. What I am able to glean from my church body I can take into the field with more confidence, and will be better prepared to present others with the message of God's saving grace.
Whatever we are called to do by God in our personal walks we may do alone, but having and maintaining a good support system is of the utmost importance within the body of Christ. In times of trial this will give you something solid to lean on, it will allow you a place to come for refreshment, a spiritual renewal if you will. Everyone needs someone, and this is especially true for Christians. The battle we fight daily is one that has eternal consequences. If we are to draw others to Jesus we are going to need the help of other like minded Christians. We were not put on this earth alone, and we shall not live in nor leave this world alone. God wants all of His children home, and our job as Christians is to make sure this happens.
In closing, I would like to leave you with the words of a song written some years ago by Kathleen Harris.
"If not you, I wonder where will they ever find the One who really cares? If not you, how will they find the One who heals the broken heart, gives sight to the blind?
If not you, I wonder who, will show them love, and love alone can make things new? If not you, how will they learn there's one who'll trade their hopelessness for joy in return?
Cause You're the only Jesus some will ever see You're the only words of life, some will ever read So let them see in you the One in whom is all they'll ever need You're the only Jesus, some will ever see."We are the only Jesus some will ever see, so the better prepared we are, the more likely others are open to the message we can give, and they will be more apt to receive it. The only way this is possible is through learning. Learning from the God's Word and through the body of Christ.
No worries; "God doesn't call the equipped; He equips the called." Take a look at this: Matthew 10:19-20, Jesus tells His disciples, "When they deliver you over, do not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say, for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour. For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you." Blessings my friend. Shonda